Английский язык

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Mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS) based on the information in the text about Teenage Life in

Mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS) based on the information in the text about Teenage Life in Australia: 1. Australians consider the ages of 12 to 17 as teenage years. 2. Australians become adults after leaving school and turning 18. 3. Australians have a 12-year schooling system with a pre-school year. …

Mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS) based on the information in the text about Teenage Life in Читать далее »

B) Complete the sentences by using must, can’t, may, might, could, and their past forms:Sally appears sad and worried

B) Complete the sentences by using must, can’t, may, might, could, and their past forms:Sally appears sad and worried. She must have a problem with something.Bob cant be at school because I havent seen him today.Mr. Treves hasnt come to work yet. He has never been late for work. He might have missed the bus.Timmy …

B) Complete the sentences by using must, can’t, may, might, could, and their past forms:Sally appears sad and worried Читать далее »

Im considering going to a warm country for my holiday

Im considering going to a warm country for my holiday. Ответ: Рассмотрим задачу поэтапно: 1. «Я рассматриваю возможность поехать в теплую страну на отдых». Это заявление говорит о том, что вам интересно провести отпуск в месте с теплым климатом. Давайте рассмотрим несколько шагов, которые помогут вам принять решение: 2. Определитесь с предпочтениями: Для начала, подумайте …

Im considering going to a warm country for my holiday Читать далее »

1. In his class, Jack is the boy who is the cleverest by far. 2. The boy who is taller than the two is Bob. 3. Alaska

1. In his class, Jack is the boy who is the cleverest by far. 2. The boy who is taller than the two is Bob. 3. Alaska is bigger than any other state in the US. 4. Moscow is not as old as Kiev. 5. The weather today is far better than the weather yesterday. …

1. In his class, Jack is the boy who is the cleverest by far.
2. The boy who is taller than the two is Bob.
3. Alaska
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1 Be fully asleep/ awake 2 Be sound asleep/ awake 3 Have an elevated fever/ temperature 4 A close escape/ freedom 5 Be

1 Be fully asleep/ awake 2 Be sound asleep/ awake 3 Have an elevated fever/ temperature 4 A close escape/ freedom 5 Be distant/ far away 6 For a considerable hour/ time 7 Take a shortcut 8 In a slow motion 9 In a deep sound/ voice 10 Be in major trouble/ problem. Ответ: 1. …

1 Be fully asleep/ awake
2 Be sound asleep/ awake
3 Have an elevated fever/ temperature
4 A close escape/ freedom
5 Be
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1) Is useful to work in the lab twice a week thought by the students. 2) The suggestion that we should visit our sick

1) Is useful to work in the lab twice a week thought by the students. 2) The suggestion that we should visit our sick friend was liked by us. 3) It would be interesting to go on an excursion found by the children. 4) Staying indoors all day long wouldnt be good thought by us. …

1) Is useful to work in the lab twice a week thought by the students.
2) The suggestion that we should visit our sick
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How can you finish writing about the festival in berlin using the appropriate phrases from exercise 1?

How can you finish writing about the festival in berlin using the appropriate phrases from exercise 1? Ответ: To finish writing about the festival in Berlin, you can use the appropriate phrases from exercise 1 to enhance your description. Let’s go through the steps: 1. Start by introducing the festival: Introduce the festival by using …

How can you finish writing about the festival in berlin using the appropriate phrases from exercise 1? Читать далее »

Какая короткая история вам нужна?

Какая короткая история вам нужна? Ответ: Конечно, с удовольствием расскажу короткую историю про доброту! Жила-была девочка по имени Аня. Она была очень добрым и отзывчивым ребенком. Всегда готова помочь и поддержать своих друзей и окружающих. Ее сердце было полно любви и сострадания. Однажды, Аня заметила, что ее одноклассница Оля выглядит грустной. Оля всегда любила рисовать, …

Какая короткая история вам нужна? Читать далее »

Можно составить слово из следующих букв: d, n, a, l, g, n, e. Если это поможет, они связаны с известными личностями

Можно составить слово из следующих букв: d, n, a, l, g, n, e. Если это поможет, они связаны с известными личностями. Ответ: Да, можно составить слово из данных букв. В данном случае, имеются буквы d, n, a, l, g, n, e. Давайте попробуем составить слово из этих букв. 1. Возьмем первую букву — d. 2. …

Можно составить слово из следующих букв: d, n, a, l, g, n, e. Если это поможет, они связаны с известными личностями Читать далее »

1. Please provide the necessary articles. 2. The United Kingdom is located on the British Isles, which are separated

1. Please provide the necessary articles. 2. The United Kingdom is located on the British Isles, which are separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. 3. The two main islands of the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland. 4. England is situated in the south of Great Britain, …

1. Please provide the necessary articles.
2. The United Kingdom is located on the British Isles, which are separated
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