1 Be fully asleep/ awake 2 Be sound asleep/ awake 3 Have an elevated fever/ temperature 4 A close escape/ freedom 5 Be

1 Be fully asleep/ awake
2 Be sound asleep/ awake
3 Have an elevated fever/ temperature
4 A close escape/ freedom
5 Be distant/ far away
6 For a considerable hour/ time
7 Take a shortcut
8 In a slow motion
9 In a deep sound/ voice
10 Be in major trouble/ problem.


1. Be fully asleep/ awake:
— To be fully asleep means to be in a deep sleep with no awareness of one’s surroundings. This is when all your senses are inactive and you are completely unconscious.
— To be fully awake means to be fully alert and aware of your surroundings. Your senses are active and you are conscious.

2. Be sound asleep/ awake:
— To be sound asleep means to be in a deep sleep without any disturbances. It implies that the person is sleeping deeply and soundly.
— To be sound awake means to be fully awake and alert without any drowsiness or tiredness. It implies that the person is wide awake and attentive.

3. Have an elevated fever/ temperature:
— To have an elevated fever or temperature means that the body temperature is higher than the normal range. This can indicate an infection or illness.
— An elevated fever means the body temperature is significantly higher than normal, usually above 100.4°F (38°C) and may be accompanied by symptoms like chills, sweating, and body aches.
— A high temperature but not as extreme as an elevated fever might be considered a slightly elevated or mild fever.

4. A close escape/ freedom:
— A close escape means narrowly avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation. It implies that the person was in great danger but managed to get away just in time.
— Freedom refers to the state of being free, unrestricted, or not controlled. It can also mean liberation from captivity or limitations.

5. Be distant/ far away:
— To be distant means to be physically or emotionally removed from something or someone. It implies a lack of closeness or connection.
— Far away means to be located at a significant distance, suggesting a considerable geographical separation.

6. For a considerable hour/ time:
— For a considerable hour means for a significant duration of time. It implies that a substantial amount of time has passed.
— For a considerable time means for a noteworthy period, but the specific duration may vary depending on the context.

7. Take a shortcut:
— To take a shortcut means to choose a quicker or more direct route to reach a destination or complete a task. It helps save time or effort compared to following the usual or longer route.

8. In a slow motion:
— In a slow motion means to perform or perceive something at a reduced or decelerated speed. It suggests a deliberate slowness in movement or action.

9. In a deep sound/ voice:
— In a deep sound refers to a low-pitched or resonant sound. It implies that the voice or sound being produced is at a lower frequency or tone.
— In a deep voice means speaking with a low-pitched or bass-like tone. It suggests a rich and resonant quality to the voice.

10. Be in major trouble/ problem:
— To be in major trouble or problem means to find oneself in a significant or serious difficulty or challenge. It implies that the situation is severe and requires immediate attention or resolution.

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